The working group resulting from the ACPR-AMF Fintech Forum proposes to adapt Article R. 561-20 of the Monetary and Financial Code to make it easier and more effective to verify the identity of natural persons at a distance when they enter into a relationship.
To know:
- Consider a substantial level of eIADS to be equivalent to face-to-face and therefore exempt from further action,
- Do not impose a substantial eIADS level for means of identification used as a complementary measure,
- Remove the residency verification requirement.
MasterCard, on the other hand, presents its vision of digital identity for the benefit of "service providers" who rely on "identity verifiers" that rely on identification tools provided by "trust providers" to verify the identity and/or identity attributes of a user who wishes to access its services. The relationship between these actors is orchestrated by a " digital identity service." The recent announcements of a digital identity pilot in Australia with MasterCard will provide a measure of the role a key payment player wishes to play in digital identity.
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